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What is a Recruiting Company?

A recruiting company is the intermediary between you and the facility. You are an employee of the recruiting company who contracts you to the facility.

According to the STAFFING INDUSTRY ANALYSIS, there are over 100 traveling therapy recruiting / staffing agencies. That’s a lot of companies – and with an ever-growing market and community of opinions, it is hard to know who to trust.


How do recruiting companies get paid?

The company (and recruiters) get paid once you take a contract with them and start working for the facility. Even then, sometimes facilities don’t pay the recruiting company for a few months after your contract has started due to payment terms between the company and facility ( like a “net 30” means payment after 30 days).

Consider the payment a pie. The facility determines the bill rate, the amount of money that the facility is willing pay to your recruiting company to contract you, or the size of the pie. From there, your company takes out their expenses and profit margin, and what is leftover is how much money you could receive, your piece of the pie.


How do the recruiters get paid?

Some make a base salary, then earn a commission based on how many hours you work.


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