With little opportunities for homecare settings during internships and minimal job opportunities to work in homecare without experience, home care is a rare setting to work in as a new grad. However, if you can find a home care agency that is willing to train you over the course of a few weeks in all that home care entails, I highly recommend taking this opportunity to gain experience in this setting, and here is why:
1.) Work one on one with patients
2.) No time constraints with treatment
3.) Help patients return to functioning in their own home
4.) Make your own schedule
5.) Work from home
6.) Be outside and enjoy the weather
7.) Learn about other people’s cultures and home environment
8.) Gain knowledge about working with acute patients and chronic diseases
9.) Better pay (typically) and reimbursement for mileage
10.) Improve communication skills with doctors
On our second travel assignment as new grads, we were fortunate enough to gain experience in a home health setting, and our company took ample time to train us and orient us in everything we needed to know. They did not pressure us to work beyond our capabilities as we became acquainted to the computer system and documentation required of home care.
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