Regarding health insurance as a traveler, it’s actually best for you to carry your OWN health insurance because then you are always covered, even if you switch companies or take time- off between assignments.
I have a contact that can help you find the best healthcare for you as a traveler. She works specifically with Travel Healthcare professionals and helped me get my health insurance. Click HERE to schedule an appt with her or email her at Reach out to Linette Rojas. Please tell her Jess Jenney from WanderlustPTs sent you!
Regarding going with “a bigger company,” so that you can have the security of health insurance- I actually had the OPPOSITE experience. The “big company” accidentally DROPPED my health insurance while I was traveling abroad, and I didn’t know about it until after I went to the MD for something, and they said I wasn’t covered. WTF?! In my experience (and other’s who I’ve coached), with big companies, stuff like this happens all the time or shit falls through the cracks, so I do not recommend.
I would recommend getting your own insurance and sticking with one of my Recommended Recruiters.
I hope this helps!
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